UK Not Ready for Brexit’s Impact on Food, Report Warns

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The UK is unprepared for the most complex ever change to its food system, which will be required before Brexit, according to a new briefing paper published by SPRU, the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex. Read more

Back British Farming Day focuses on post-Brexit strength

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Farming has been at the centre of British politics today with NFU members and staff taking the industry to the heart of London, in recognition of Back British Farming Day.

MPs were urged to wear specially designed British wheat lapel badges to Prime Minister’s Questions and to sign the NFU’s post-Brexit pledge, an initiative which drew support from Defra Secretary of State, Andrea Leadsom, and Defra farming minister, George Eustice. Read more

UK Food Producers Call for Tariff-free Access to the Single Market

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The largest coalition of food producers in the UK’s history has come together for the first time to call for tariff-free access to the Single Market and continued access to a competent and reliable workforce in order for British food and farming to flourish post-Brexit. Read more

Large Chinese demand to support pork prices despite Brexit

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Large Chinese import demand and stalling supplies will continue to support global pork prices throughout the third quarter of 2016, despite the current “wildcards” of Brexit and feed costs, according to Rabobank.

While warning that feed costs and the Brexit effect on currency exchange rates could “negatively impact” the projected upswing in global pork prices, Rabobank’s animal protein analyst, Albert Vernooij, said the forecast was for a further rise in the Rabobank five-nation hog price index in Q3, supporting margins across the globe. Read more

Will Brexit spell the end of the pork pie?

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Much of the debate surrounding the UK’s referendum on the European Union has focused on giving “Britain back to the British”, but one aspect of British industry could be set to suffer at the hands of a Brexit leave vote.

The European Union currently provides regulations that protect traditional and regional products from being imitated throughout the area. Read more

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