UK pork output overtook beef in 2015

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Pigmeat production in 2015 finished ahead beef on volume for the first time since 2003, according to the latest figures from Defra, as analysed by AHDB Pork.

Output of pigmeat increased by over 4% in 2015, to almost 900,000 tonnes, the fastest growth since 2011, despite a slight slowing of production in the second half of the year. Read more

Roulade of pork belly, braised red cabbage and apple compote

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This pork belly recipe by Mark Dodson marries the classic flavours of apple and pork together in a remarkable roulade. The sauce for the braised pork is made in part from the braising liquid, further compounding the richness of the pork in this dish. Read more

BVD initiative to be rolled out across UK

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A major cattle industry initiative to help eliminate bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is to be extended across the UK.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is backing plans to extend the BVD Free programme in England later this year with £60,000 of funding from its dairy division (Dairyco) and beef and lamb division, Eblex. Read more

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