Top Pork Books To Get Your Mouth Watering

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If you or someone you know loves pork, we’re sure you do otherwise why would you be reading this?! Then you need to get your hands on one of these pork books… Read more

Pig Prices Continue Recent Upward Surge

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Pig prices have continued their recent surge with the SPP up by 1.43p to 153.13p, weekly contribution prices are also tending to improve and spot pigs remain in very short supply and it is quite hard to sell an empty pen, but where there were a few spare pigs about prices were in the 160p/kg region and more in places, writes Peter Crichton in his “Traffic Lights” commentary for 7 April 2017.

This week saw another significant increase in German producer prices rising from 1.54 Euro to 1.79 Euro over the past six weeks underlining how short pigs are compared with last year’s glut, which brought many producers to their knees. Read more

Pork, Lemon and Potato Kebabs Perfect For The BBQ

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Pork kebabs make a fantastic addition to any barbecue and they’re great because you can mix them up in so many different ways. You can add different flavourings, sauces and meats to make your kebab taste truly unique. How about adding baby new potatoes into the mix? Like the sound of that then read on. Read more

Bacon Performing Well; Roasts Continue to Decline

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During the 12 weeks ended 18 June, the primary pork volume sales decreased by 3 per cent on a year-on-year basis, according to the latest data from Kantar Worldpanel. However, a 5 per cent increase in the average retail price meant that overall spend was up by 2 per cent, writes Rebecca Oborne, AHDB Analyst. Read more

UK Not Ready for Brexit’s Impact on Food, Report Warns

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The UK is unprepared for the most complex ever change to its food system, which will be required before Brexit, according to a new briefing paper published by SPRU, the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex. Read more

Bacon Myths, Busted: Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that bad for you

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Bacon is a rather personal taste, and people get really defensive about it—whether someone likes it extra crispy or thick and fatty says a lot about who they are as a person.

But regardless of preferences, when the World Health Organisation linked the consumption of processed meats to cancer in 2015, people freaked out and starting spewing a lot of nonsense about the beloved breakfast meat. Those of us who still cling to our adoration, therefore, are plagued by misinformation and wishful thinking—so we did some digging for you to divulge the truths. Here are five bacon myths, busted. Read more

Demand for UK Pigs Continues to Reflect Hot Weather

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Demand for UK pigs continues to reflect the weather (hot) and, although the SPP only moved up by 0.15p to stand at 162.43p, spot prices have continued to reach for the sky with bids generally between 172p/kg and 175p/kg according to spec, with no shortage of takers, writes Peter Crichton in his latest “Traffic Light” commentary.

Most, but not all, weekly contribution prices have stayed at similar levels, although the odd penny increase was available here and there, and the overall range is between 160p/kg and 170p/kg. Read more

Is pork good for you? It’s complicated

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How does pork fit into a healthy diet? For the answer, more than reading between the lines, you need to read between the slogans.

On one side there is “Eat More Bacon,” a cheer embraced by those rebelling against mainstream health advice who have either bought into an alternative all-you-can-eat approach to saturated fat or who want to snub wellness culture altogether. Emblazoned on T-shirts, throw pillows, bumper stickers and coffee mugs, the phrase has become more than a saying — it is a way of life. Read more

Meet some of our customers…

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At Waterall Pork Butchers we have years of Pork based experience and, as such, we are very proud to supply some of the leading local establishments… should you or your local join the club? Read more

The latest wedding trend? A pork pie wedding cake

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Wedding pies have a long history, and now they are firmly back in fashion. When it comes to planning a wedding, there are certain items that are on every bride and groom’s shopping list. Flowers: yes. Cake: definitely. But how many happy couples want a pork pie to star in their nuptials? Read more

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