Demand for UK Pigs Continues to Reflect Hot Weather

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Demand for UK pigs continues to reflect the weather (hot) and, although the SPP only moved up by 0.15p to stand at 162.43p, spot prices have continued to reach for the sky with bids generally between 172p/kg and 175p/kg according to spec, with no shortage of takers, writes Peter Crichton in his latest “Traffic Light” commentary.

Most, but not all, weekly contribution prices have stayed at similar levels, although the odd penny increase was available here and there, and the overall range is between 160p/kg and 170p/kg. Read more

Pork Prices Continue Remarkable Rally

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Prices are continuing their remarkable rally which has seen the SPP rise from 112p to 151.7p over the past 12 months or so, with further increases forecast, writes Peter Crichton in his “Traffic Lights” commentary for 31 March 2017.

News that the German producer price announced on Thursday had risen by a massive 7 Euro cents helped to keep the bulls busy in the UK pig market, with no bears to be seen and spot quotes are now in or around the 160p mark, with light pigs worth in the 170p region, but as previously, very tight numbers of spot pigs were traded, with contract supplies short across the board, and this situation has also been reflected in the European mainland pigmeat market. Read more

What do you know about the full English breakfast

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The full English breakfast can be considered as a British tradition that holds its source from the early 1300s. Up to now the traditional English breakfast is highly popular and you can find such a breakfast wherever British people have settled, as they take their tradition with them wherever they go. The British breakfast started from the gentry and it developed with the Victorians, who standardised the food and refined the tradition to create a truly national dish. Read more

EU records 31% rise in pork exports to Japan

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Japanese pork imports increased by just under 13% during the first six months of this year with the extra trade shared by both EU and non-EU suppliers, according to AHDB Pork.

The EU-based market share grew more strongly during the half-year, advancing by 31% from 123,500 tonnes in the same period in 2015 to 161,400 tonnes in H1, 2016. Read more

Why Does Bacon Smell So Good?

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When it comes to breakfasts, there are few aromas better than that of bacon, sizzling and crisping in a pan. As part of a brief new series looking at the chemicals behind aromas, this graphic considers the chemicals that lend bacon it’s characteristically mouth-watering scent.

Considering that bacon is such a universally worshipped food item, you’d’ve thought research on anything relating to bacon would be a hot commodity. The world of scientific research doesn’t seem to be quite as enamoured with bacon as the general public, however, and research on the compounds behind the aroma of frying bacon is surprisingly sparse. Clearly science has a few priorities to get in order. Read more

How Long to Cook Your Ham

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Knowing how long to cook ham can be very confusing. There are many factors that determine cooking times for ham, including everything from how it was prepared to where it was packaged. Hopefully, the below will help… Read more

So, what is Bacon?

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Bacon is the word used for the raw pig meat that has been wet or dry-cured. The word bacon means ‘back’ but in fact refers to cuts from the side of the carcass that is butchered in a similar way to the butchering of pork. ‘Gammon’ is the word used for the raw, cured hind leg of a pig removed from a side of bacon. Read more

Critical time for British agriculture says NFU

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British agriculture is entering a critical time, with farmers facing an increasingly challenging environment for food production says National Farmers Union (NFU) president Meurig Raymond.

Stating his industry priorities for 2016, Mr Raymond said that safeguarding farm businesses from the “destructive effects of volatility” will be essential in the year ahead, particularly after the past 12 months of severe farming challenge, which had knocked the confidence of many farmers.

In looking further forward than just 2016, however, he reminded producers that the UK is going to be the “most populous country in the EU” by the mid-2040s, with many more mouths to feed than we have today. Read more

Waterall Celebrates British Sausage Week With A Sparkle

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The biggest sausage celebration of the year, now in it’s 18th year, gets underway from 2-8 November as the nation goes mad for British Sausage Week 2015!

Bonfire Night falls bang in the middle of British Sausage Week and with Guy Fawkes Day being a uniquely British occasion there is no better way of warming up whilst watching a fantastic firework display, than with a hot, filling British sausage. Read more

Chocolate Bacon Cupcakes with Maple Syrup Icing

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So how about a Chocolate Bacon Cupcake with Maple Icing. Yes, its an American thing but it tastes lush and you’ll never know until you try…

There are two important ingredients for this cupcake. First being the bacon, of course. Don’t cheat yourself by using rubbish bacon. Use good, quality bacon – did you know Waterall Pork Butchers sell Bacon… Surprise! Trust us, it is worth it. And secondly… why not try a Pork Pie while your there! Read more

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