1st August 2016 Debra

EU records 31% rise in pork exports to Japan

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Japanese pork imports increased by just under 13% during the first six months of this year with the extra trade shared by both EU and non-EU suppliers, according to AHDB Pork.

The EU-based market share grew more strongly during the half-year, advancing by 31% from 123,500 tonnes in the same period in 2015 to 161,400 tonnes in H1, 2016.

The non-EU share, starting from a larger H1, 2015, base of 256,700 tonnes, rose to 267,400 tonnes during the same period.

Even more beneficial to suppliers was the fact that the value of these imports increased ahead of volume, rising by 18% year-on-year.

“The United States remained as the main importer to Japan, with volumes remaining largely stable on the year earlier,” said AHDB Pork. “Within this, there was an increase in fresh product, while frozen product volumes decreased, reflecting a shift in focus from the US Meat Export Federation, which is pushing its promotional efforts on chilled cuts.”

The increase in imports from the EU, meanwhile, was shared across all member states which hold export access to Japan. The increase was headed by a 34% growth in Spanish shipments and a 14% advance in imports from Denmark.

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