12th November 2015 Debra

New marketing tool gets “positive feedback” from EU farmers

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Copa-Cogeca has given its backing to a new online tool which it says will help farmers across Europe become better at marketing their produce.

Commenting at Expo Milano on the online Farm Inc project, Copa vice-president, Maira Dzelzkaleja (pictured above), said her organisation had received “positive feedback” on the project, including from national governments and the European Commission (EC).

“With farmers getting only a fraction of the market price for their produce, we at Copa are pressing for farmers to get a better return and to add value to their produce,” she said, adding that the Farm Inc project was useful in giving farmers practical marketing guidelines.

“We believe there is a great potential for regional and local products. However, there is a lack of marketing strategies to enable European agricultural entrepreneurs to compete with the international network and structures of multinational companies.”

The online-tool includes a package of training materials consisting of the following six modules:

  • What is marketing?
  • A good marketing plan.
  • Farmers markets.
  • Quality.
  • The strength of a Rural Brand.
  • Selling abroad.
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