The maple bacon croissant has landed in the UK

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This year’s best bacon sandwich so far is at once familiar and surprising. It’s not the standard rashers-trapped-in-bread experience, but rather a pastry, with ribbons of maple-soaked bacon snaking around croissant dough in what looks like a pain au raisin, or a particularly attractive snail shell.

The maple bacon croissant is the work of Pophams Bakery, a new café in London. They have frequently sold out by 10am — you have to hotfoot it there fast to get your fix.

The flavours are a winning combination. Pastry is high quality, flaky but not too hard, buttery but not overwhelming or stodgy. Smoked streaky bacon is from the butcher next door; it enlivens the experience and makes each bite more satisfying, with variations in texture between soft pastry and toothsome meat, while the maple syrup perks it up without being cloyingly sweet — a common casualty of the American staple of maple syrup and bacon pancakes. This is a dish that makes a nod to that classic but is lighter and more sophisticated, more President Macron than President Trump.

Head chef Florin starts laminating the pastries (that’s basically folding butter into dough of flour, water, salt, yeast and milk and layering it up) as early as 2am so they can be ready fresh from the oven as soon as the bakery opens at 7.30am. Croissants can end up with as many as 729 layers of dough. The more layers the better and you can see them here, crisped on the edges, with air between them.

Founder Ollie Gold hit upon the idea when thinking about the bacon and maple pancakes he ate when visiting family in America, and the occasional triple-decker bacon and maple sandwich. He and Florin experimented with shape and size, settling on the twirl because “the shape lends itself to perfect flakiness, a great glazing platform and of course the best way to get the delicious bacon in there — there’s no better hangover cure, according to our maple-and-bacon regulars”. 

Pophams has an extensive menu of croissants and sourdough bread, with daily specials, all served on tasteful plates made at Stepney City Farm. 

The name of the bakery comes from the street its is just off. It’s actually on Prebend Street but Pophams sounds jauntier. Gold jokes that he wanted to be near his beloved Arsenal football club and his creations certainly provide the cheer much needed by fans of Wenger’s team at the moment.

These are pastries to linger over and eat with a fork (although they are available to take away too). Raspberry jam, peanut butter and banana is another popular creation. Gold grew up on the combination and mentioned it to Florin, who put it in a croissant. 

If you want something both more low-key and less meat-based get a rosemary and sea salt plait. It was Ollie’s girlfriend Lucy’s idea and it’s a thing of wonder, with crisp flakes of croissant meeting in a plait for the ultimate texture and satisfying salt crystals. Toasted rosemary takes the edge off the saltiness with its invigorating, savoury, herbal taste. At weekends there are walnut, fig and blue cheese croissants and Scandi-inspired creations strewn with poppy seeds. Pophams is woke to waste. Surplus plain croissants are used the next day for almond croissants.

Coffee is from Ozone, which is originally from New Zealand but has a London factory, and a strong range of teas and hot chocolate. All work well as dipping vessels for the croissants, which, of course, are the star attraction.

Bacon Performing Well; Roasts Continue to Decline

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During the 12 weeks ended 18 June, the primary pork volume sales decreased by 3 per cent on a year-on-year basis, according to the latest data from Kantar Worldpanel. However, a 5 per cent increase in the average retail price meant that overall spend was up by 2 per cent, writes Rebecca Oborne, AHDB Analyst. Read more

Bacon Myths, Busted: Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that bad for you

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Bacon is a rather personal taste, and people get really defensive about it—whether someone likes it extra crispy or thick and fatty says a lot about who they are as a person.

But regardless of preferences, when the World Health Organisation linked the consumption of processed meats to cancer in 2015, people freaked out and starting spewing a lot of nonsense about the beloved breakfast meat. Those of us who still cling to our adoration, therefore, are plagued by misinformation and wishful thinking—so we did some digging for you to divulge the truths. Here are five bacon myths, busted. Read more

Pork Party Appetisers Perfect For Summer

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Are you planning a garden party? A birthday party or wedding? Make your party stands out this summer with chorizo, meatballs and bacon. Whether you’re hosting your own gathering or making a dish to share, pork has you covered.

How about chorizo meatballs with manchego cheese to provide an elegant twist? The chorizo will add extra kick to your meatballs. You could season each meatball with basil and sprinkle some extra cheese over them for presentation. Read more

How to Cook Bacon in The Oven… if you have no other options!

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Bacon is one food that is remarkably and also obscurely healthy. The British morning meal staple-bacon as well as eggs. It’s also part of a diet regimen of the world’s earliest individual, Susannah Mushatt Jones 116 years old, who eats bacon and also eggs everyday. Read more

What do you know about the full English breakfast

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The full English breakfast can be considered as a British tradition that holds its source from the early 1300s. Up to now the traditional English breakfast is highly popular and you can find such a breakfast wherever British people have settled, as they take their tradition with them wherever they go. The British breakfast started from the gentry and it developed with the Victorians, who standardised the food and refined the tradition to create a truly national dish. Read more

Co-op to rely only on British for bacon and lamb

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The Co-operative has declared that it is to source all its fresh bacon and lamb from British farms.

Hailed by the National Farmers’ Union as a “bold move” that shows a real commitment to quality British food, the Co-op said its switch to 100 per cent domestic bacon and lamb will take effect in its stores from May 1 next year. Read more

Bacon is back for breakfast as Brits shrug off processed meat fears

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The traditional British fry up has made a come back as people shrug off processed meat health fears to eat bacon – but only for breakfast.

Bacon featured in 87 million more breakfasts in the UK during the past year, up by 14.3pc on last year, according to Kantar Worldpanel data. Read more

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