7th October 2016 Debra

How To Make Bacon & Egg Breakfast Cups

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Bake your bacon and eggs into personal cups for your next breakfast party.

Cook Time: 15 Minutes

Yield: Makes 4


  • 8 slices bacon
  • 4 eggs

Recipe Instructions

  1. Preheat the oven to 180. Partially cook the bacon in the microwave on a paper-towel lined plate for 3 minutes. The bacon should still be bendable.
  2. Let cool to the touch, then curl 2 bacon strips around the inside of 4 cupcake tin wells.
  3. Gently crack an egg into each cup and cook until the egg is set and the bacon is crisp; about 10-15 minutes. Remove from the tins with a spoon or spatula.


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