13th October 2015 Debra

UK pigmeat imports and exports both show rising trend

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August was a strong trading month for the UK pigmeat trade with both imports and exports recording increased levels, compared to last year, according to AHDB Pork.

Based on the latest figures from HMRC, pork imports were 8% higher in August 2015 than in the same month last year, at just over 30,000 tonnes. This was the highest figure for August since 2008 and was the third consecutive month to show rising imports.

“If this trend continues,” said AHDB Pork, “it could put further pressure on UK pig prices, especially as the unit price was well down; the value of pork imports being 10% down on a year earlier, at £49.2 million.”

On the export front, meanwhile, UK pork shipments in August were 4% up on the year at 15,100 tonnes.

“Despite the weak euro, sales to the rest of the EU were up 9% on the same month last year, with rising shipments to Ireland, Germany and several smaller markets,” said AHDB Pork.

“Exports to China were also well above August 2014, although this was more than offset by lower shipments to Hong Kong.”

On prices, although unit values were lower, the fall wasn’t as great as for imports. As a result, total export value was down just 3% on the year, at £16.3 million.

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