10th September 2015 Debra

Top 10 Sausage Facts

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What makes the British pork sausage legendary? Here our favourite top 10 facts about the Great British Banger…

  • During the year to July 2014, the nation consumed 181,853 tonnes of sausages in the home, worth £780 million of retail sales.
  • The value of the premium sausage sector grew by 9.8% in 2012-2013 and by 5.2% 52w/e 20 July 2014.
  • 86% of British households buy sausages, on an average of 12 times per year.
  • Each household spends an average of £34.40 per year on sausages
  • Every day, 3.7 million meals containing sausages are eaten at home
  • A staggering 1.35 billion meals containing sausage are eaten in the home each year
  • More sausages are eaten as part of an evening meal/teatime in the home (62%); compared to 21% at breakfast and 16% at lunch.
  • 31% of the sausage market (by volume) is classified as premium, 58% as standard, 3% as low fat and 7% as economy
  • Sausage sales (by volume) are more than double the sales of burgers and grills.
  • 20% of sausages eaten out of the home are consumed in pubs, 19% are enjoyed in full service outlets and 19% in a travel and leisure environment, 11% are eaten in the workplace.

So now we’ve whet you appetite… come and get some of our premium pork sausages – we’ve on the world famous Moor Market. See you later?

map of waterall pork butchers

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