17th November 2015 Debra

Waterall lends a helping hand this Christmas

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Over the Christmas period, we all like to relax, socialise and spend time with friends and family, but sometimes the preparation beforehand can be stressful. Here at Wateralls we give you a helping hand to plan your meals over the festive period.

After all the excitement of whether Santa has been, Breakfast or Brunch is the next most important event of the day…


A delicious handmade Pork Pie – here at Waterall all of our Pork Pies are handmade with care – accompanied by a glass of bucks fizz makes a wonderful start to the day. A strong tradition in Yorkshire and the Midlands: for anyone outside of these areas – try it, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.

Pork Pies

For those of you who opt for a traditional Cooked English breakfast, we can help out here with our delicious quality Cumberland Sausages; our Short Back Bacon; and our Handmade Black Pudding, which is a wonderful complement to grilled bacon and scrambled egg.

Our sausages and bacon both make for super breakfast sarnies too!


The main event of the day though is surely the Christmas Dinner, and no Christmas Dinner would be complete without the Chipolata Sausages and Pigs in Blankets and the Streaky Bacon to wrap the Turkey Breast in – keeps the juices in and makes for a really moist meat.

We can also help you out with providing top quality Pork Sausage Meat for you to make some delicious home-made stuffing. For any of you who aren’t Turkey lovers out there, why not get one of our Pork Crackling Joints?

Waterall Pork Butchers in Sheffield

Don’t forget our Chipolatas and Pigs in Blankets (which are available in store from 7th Dec), Pork Sausage Meat and Crackling Joints can all be bought in advance and FROZEN – taking the stress out of last minute shopping!

We haven’t forgotten about Boxing Day for you either. Cold meats, salads and pickles are just the thing after a day of overindulgence! How about some of the following for your Boxing Day buffet?


– A delicious Gammon Joint that can be cooked and served hot or cold
– Chipolata sausages on stick
– Pork Pies – Stilton topped, Cheese and Pickle, Huntsman Variety – or simply our much-loved handmade traditional pies (available in bite size or 1lb sharing size)
– Indulgent nibbles – everyone loves quality Pork Scratchings!
– A range of sliced cooked meats – either for sandwiches or a meat platter
– Traditional pickles from Cunninghams for a classic accompaniment

All you need then is some salad, and a beer or two or a glass of wine to accompany and you have a fantastic feast!

Wateralls at Christmas

Whatever you choose to serve this Christmas period Wateralls would be delighted to supply you with their quality handmade range of meats and pies.

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